As a team we volunteer to do community service to the community as much as we can to help people in need in which we do community service full time and part time. Bethesda vision charitable trust registered in 2016 by the government and We are working.
What have we done so far?
"The best minute you spend is the one you invest in people."
Our Responsibilities
Protecting children from social problems
Food, Education and Health Care
Helping Poor People
Abolition of child labor
Helping For those who suffer
Orphanage elders home
Building a home for the mentally ill people
Medical aids
Scholorship for students and provide Study equipment
Women Marriage Assistance
Product and assist pepole from Flood, Fire, Storm, Earthquake
Giving cloth money to help people in need
Public welfare for widows
Setting up a gymnasium for girls
Eye treatment
Blood Donation Camp and medical camp
Environmental protection
Placement training
Providing location facilities, Food and Medical Assistance for People With AIDS and cancer